11 articles
Setting up a custom email sending domainSend email from the address of your company, or from any custom email address
Setting up ModulesEnable or disable the Feedback, Changelog, Roadmap or CSAT-Module
Customize AppearanceCustomize your boards appearance, change colours, logo and remove branding
Configure User Account Setup ProcessAllow anonymous users, force email confirmation or single sign-on
Setting up CategoriesGet started with custom categories
Setting up Status TagsGet started with custom statuses
Localize SleekplanLocalize Sleekplan to work with your preferred language
Adding TeammatesHow to add, remove or delete a teammate?
Admin roles and permissionsAssigning a role grants the user access to your Sleekplan Dashboard
Identifying End-UserSetting Up Sleekplan Widget or Website with Single Sign-On (SSO)
Setting up the Action Screen