Sleekplan is integrated with Zapier so you can automate your feedback workflow. Zapier helps you to connect tools without any coding skills. That's the best way to connect all the tools you love with Sleekplan.
Sleekplan is not public yet on Zapier. To access the Zapier plugin navigate to Settings > Integrations and search for Zapier (beta).
Select "Install"
You will get redirected to a Zapier invitation page
Press "Accept Invite & Build a Zap" at the bottom of the page
Now you'll find the integration at Zapier > My Apps > Custom integrations.
Triggers & Actions
Sleekplan provides 14 Instant Trigger:
New Feedback Post
Update Feedback Post
Delete Feedback Post
New Comment
Update Comment
Delete Comment
New Feedback Vote
New Feedback Subscription
New User
Update User
Delete User
New CHangelog Update
New Changelog Subscriber
New Satisfaction Survey (CSAT)
Sleekplan provides 3 Actions:
Create Feedback Post
Update Feedback Post
Create Changelog Update
Create your first Zap
Go to Zapier and select "Create Zap"
For the "App Event" search for Sleekplan
Select Sleekplan and choose a "Trigger Event"
Now, you need to sign in to Sleekplan. Click on the button to start the sign-in flow. First, you need to provide your product id, follow the instructions to connect to Sleekplan.
Finally, you can proceed to set up your action and start testing your Zap.